Event #2: Hammer Museum
For my second event I decided to take a trip to the Hammer Museum. Although I've passed by the museum multiple times, this was my first time going inside and exploring. Despite only two galleries being open today, I wandered around the entire museum just observing the people and things going on.
For my second event I decided to take a trip to the Hammer Museum. Although I've passed by the museum multiple times, this was my first time going inside and exploring. Despite only two galleries being open today, I wandered around the entire museum just observing the people and things going on.
Me standing at the entrance of the museum
One of the pieces I'd like to talk about is the Unspeakable: Atlas, Kruger, Walker; Hammer Contemporary collection. This particular exhibition was very interesting, it was very pleasing to see all of the sunsets pieced together on the screen. The real-time sunsets combined with the clock counting down until it got dark was a very refreshing thing to see. Sometimes when I think of art I think of a painting or picture just hanging on a wall, but when I saw this, it made me realize that art is not just that, it can practically be anything.
Unspeakable Art Exhibit information
This exhibit showed beauty and amazing work. One of the craziest things about this piece is the fact that the lady was talking throughout the entire time all of the suns were setting. Listening to her talk about our world and life in general was eye opening. I loved how the exhibit was not only the sunsets and clock but also somebody talking throughout the entire thing.
Sunsets and Timer
Another exhibit that I got to see was the Lawrence Abu Hamdan piece. This piece was very intriguing as it was dealing with architecture and the psychological conditions of the Syrian prison. I really enjoyed looking at this work and reading about this because I am into architecture myself. Looking at the different pieces that were projected was very inspirational and made me think about how many different things can actually play into all of this.
Different Designs from Hamdan's Exhibit
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